
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Get rid of pimples, gain many proven useful tips

Ubqari Magazine - Ubqari Magazine January 2019

Readers! Ubqari posted a post in its Facebook page regarding the removal of pimples. After it readers told their useful tip in the comments section of the post. All those comments are share herewith the Ubqari readers. Please remember that millions of peoples express their experiences with Ubqari on their face book posts. You should also like it and visit our page as follow:  www.Facebook.com/Ubqari

My Grand Mother’s Proven Tip for Pimples:-

Dear Hakeem Sb Aslamu Alikum! My Grand Mother told a very useful tip for removal of Pimples from face. This Tip came to me through my mother. It is very simple and easy to use. Take some Pan leaf from any Pan Shop. Apply some Choona on it through all it so that water came from pan leaf. Use this pan on pimples. After some hours or after a night remove it and wash the affected area. Please note that the Pan leaf cannot easily stick on the pimple so apply some Sani past on it so that it stay on pimples. Pimples will be removed with in no times. This tips is very much like by the Ubqari readers on the Facebook and they also share their experiments on the comments column.

All comments are devoted to Ubqari readers:-  Another tip to get rid of pimples is that when there is first Sunday or Thursday after the moon sighted , see the moon and took the sand on hand and rub it on the pimples as you rub on soap. After using this tip very first time, pimples become finished and no wounds also occur. This is my proven useful tip. (Razqa Javaid, England)

The simplest tip to get rid of pimples is that to take thread and recite Bismillah on it. Tied this thread on pimple with tightness. Within one or two days the pimples become dry and vanishes. It is a very useful. When we tight this thread on the pimples the blood flow stops to that place and pimples become dry. I want to explain to the reader how we tight it on the pimples. Since usually pimples are small in shape so slightly make ring on the ground of pimples and then make knot on the pimples. Make three knots on pimples. Cut the remaining thread. The more you tightened, early the pimples will dry. (Ayesha Sajid, Karachi.)

Take one scent name as Duofilm. Use this for 02 or 03 days on the pimples, the pimples will dry and vanishes from the skin. In UAE, the price of Duofilm is 20 Dirham. (Muhammad Imran, UAE)

 Use sweet soda and apply on the pimples, with in one or 02 days, pimples will be vanished from the skin. (Tahir Mehmood, Dubai)

Use Normal Salt on the Pimples, the pimples will be vanished with in 01 or 02 days. In addition to it tear pimples and take blood from it and use salt on it, all pimples will be finished. (Nawazish Ali Khan, Attock)

Recite Surah Muazamil daily after any prayer, InshAllah the problem of pimples will be finished.

This is my proven tip, you can also experiment it. On Sunday, tear some pimples and apply salt on it, InshAllah before 3rd Sunday, All pimples will be finished. (Bakhat Raman, Saudia)

The best solution for removing pimples is to use homeopathic medicine (Thauja). Use 200 or 30 ingredient. If pimples is less then use 30 or if more use 200. Take daily basis. I guarantee you all type of pimples has been removed. I had the same problem after using the above medicine everything is fine now. (Naeem Malik, Multan)

A plant named as Aak milk plant, use it milk on pimples for 02 or 03 days all pimples will be vanished. This is my self-used proven tip. (M. Tariq Awan, Haiderabad Sindh)

Use Homeopathic medicine “Warts”, with in couple of day all type of Pimples will be vanished. (M. Aqeel Anwar)

Use Homeopathic medicine”Thoja” in a water 10 drops in water every day and drink it within couple of day all pimples will be vanished.

This is our proven tip and clean dust in mosque with Jharoo and after cleaning put this jharoo in mosque. InshAllah the Pimples will be finished.

My faces had lot of pimples. I used this Homeopathic medicine my pimples from root has been cleaned. With the use of this medicine I also performed prayers regularly and pray from Allah, InshAllah problem of pimples will be vanished forever.

Marts-K, and Thuja method of usage. Take small quantity of water and mix 20, 20 drops in water and drink. Three times in a day.

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